Our Primary Resources aim to offer assistance across all aspects of the Religious Education Curriculum, from sacramental preparation to seasonal resources throughout the year. We hope you find these useful in your school and classroom.
Religious Education Curriculum
An introduction to the curriculum, as well as specific resources for Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4. Also included here is the Religious Education Policy Template which must be in place in each school.

RE Policy Template
All schools are asked to have their Religious Education Policy in place and ratified by the Board of Management. When the policy has been completed please send a copy to [email protected]
Monthly Plans for Religious Education
Here you will find help in planning your Religious Education classes each month. There is a template for your monthly planning included at the end of each resource.
RSE Primary Programme - Flourish
Over the last number of years, the Council for Catechetics of the Irish Bishops Conference, with the support of CPSMA, has been engaging with principals, chairs of boards of management, teachers, and parents in the area of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE). As a result of this engagement, an RSE programme has been developed for use in Catholic Primary Schools. The RSE Primary Programme is called Flourish and is available for use with all classes, from Junior Infants to Sixth Class in Catholic Primary Schools. All the resources can be accessed here.
The Flourish programme provides resources for teachers encompassing the three strands, ‘Myself’, ‘Myself and Others’ and ‘Myself and the Wider World outlined by the current SPHE curriculum. This material links with other resources being used by teachers such Webwise and Busybodies while clearly situating the content to be compatible with the Catholic ethos of the school.
Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation
A variety of helpful resources to help in the prepartion of children for these sacraments.

Confirmation Pledge
The Irish Bishop’s Drugs Initiative offer ‘The Confirmation Commitment’ a resource for parishes that enables the candidate and their parents to make a personal commitment to lead a healthy lifestyle. During the Pledge Ceremony, the candidate, with the support of their parents, commits to a Healthy Life style, receives a Spirit Band ( Silicone Band) with one of the Gifts on it and then presents a Bookmark with a special Prayer to Sponsor in appreciation of their support.
There is also an option for
• Parent’s Talk at Confirmation Meetings (Hints & Tips & importance of The Pledge/Commitment)
• Age appropriate talk to Confirmation Class as part of preparation on the challenges of transition to secondary school
Further details on the Confirmation Commitment and other resources from
Darren Butler, National Coordinator Pastoral Response to Substance Misuse, 087-7901461 [email protected]
Title Email or Text : Kildare & Leighlin Confirmation
In November We Remember
Some resources for use in the classroom for the month of November.
Advent & Christmas
The season of Advent creates many opportunities for primary learning and there are many resources for our primary schools available. Here is a selection of material.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week 2025 takes place from Sunday 19 to Saturday 25 January.
The theme for CSW 2025 is ‘Catholic Schools: Alive in Christ!‘
“Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!” – Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, Section 1.
Reflecting on the theme, Catholic schools will explore what it means to be fully alive as a human being – living life to the full in Christ. Sensitive to the age appropriateness of the various classes and years, the theme will explore how we exist for one another in Christ, building from the wellbeing of the individual, extending the notion of true wellbeing to others, to our families and communities, and to The Other, in God. The theme will mediate on hope, the true purpose and meaning of human life, and, in the more senior years, on true freedom.
As is usual, the theme will be connected at primary level with Grandparents’ Day on the Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week, and with the Family in post-primary. There will be a November ‘turning to’ remembrance moment.
Resources can be downloaded below or from https://catholiceducation.ie/catholic-schools-week-2025-alive-in-christ/
Lent & Easter
A selection of resources suitable for primary schools around the themes of Lent & Easter