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Bishop Denis’s Homily on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

11.30am: St. Clare’s Church, Graiguecullen


Today Jesus joins the queue at the River Jordan for baptism. It was a gesture of solidarity, not because there was sin in him, but in order to model for us the only authentic way to live our lives … humbling Himself, lowering Himself, surrendering Himself into the depths of the Jordan. Humbling Himself, lowering himself, surrendering Himself to our level, to our world, to our brokeness.

On days like this, in the context of the worst pandemic of our lifetime, a pandemic that has shook the foundations of civil society, community and Church, our liturgical outreach now is virtual and will remain so for the period of this more severe lockdown.

I’m delighted that you have chosen to join for this livestream coming from St. Clare’s Church, Graiguecullen as we celebrate Mass on the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord which marks the conclusion of the Christmas Season. Let us acknowledge all our failures to live out fully our baptismal promises as we call to mind our sins …


Every sacrament celebration has been affected by this pandemic Covid-19. Little ones awaiting First Holy Communions during 2020 in parishes have had to be rescheduled; there are some parishes in our diocese waiting to celebrate last years ceremonies. Older ones preparing for Confirmations likewise have had very different cermonies. Marriages are now confined to six; funerals to ten and baptisms to six. The sacrament of the sick has to be administered with cotton buds and often wearing layers of PPE.

The unwelcome visitor Covid-19 has made our sacramental world very unsettling and unnerving. And yet every sacrament is an encounter with the healing, loving and merciful God. To the couple presenting their newborn for baptism, they mightn’t understand the intricacies of baptism but they want to do whats best for their child, they want for themselves the protection of God. Parishes must encourage couples on these sacramental journies. It is never right to refuse a sacrament; John the Baptist didn’t refuse despite initial protestations, we should never refuse either.

Recent times much has been made in media circles around baptism and its use as filter for entry into local schools. The articles were always emotive. I recall one seasonally titled: “Unbaptised children find there’s no room at the inn[1]. Baptism has never been a criterion for entry into any of our primary schools; it is essential for sacramental enrolment into the different programmes and classes at school and parish level. But it must be much more than that, baptism must be the criterion for a much deeper engagement in the life of the Church, the parish and the diocesan community. I commend Graiguecullen/Killeshin parish who continue to dig deeper into the sacrament, so that the young people being confirmed are prepared to make a real difference in our world. When the late St. John Paul II was asked what was the most important day in his life, he replied: “the day I was baptised[2].

Marks gospel ends today with that very strong endoresment from above: ‘And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the beloved; my favour rests on you.”’[3] Among the most beautiful moments during the Baptism Liturgy as the parents are invited to trace the sign of the Cross over the ears and mouth of their new born with the words “The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. May he soon touch your ears to receive his Word and your mouth to proclaim his faith, to the praise and glory of God the Father.[4] At Baptism we listen to God’s Word, we make promises, we pour water, we dob a little oil, we give a name, we warp a blanket, we trace a sign of the Cross and we make the sign of the Cross. All the time promising to do our best for what we have been blessed with. That’s all that is asked off any of us – the Lord will do the rest.

We often hear great debates around vocations and who can be ordained, a more important understanding for all of us would be to more deeply appreciate what it means to be actually baptised. In these days where congregations gather virtually for Eucharist and don’t receive Eucharist; in our spiritual communion we might ask ourselves what it means to be deprived of Communion? In this little personal reflection, rather than focusing on hunger for Eucharist, let us think about what Eucharist entails: becoming a healer, a forgiver, a uniter our local community. What does communion mean for us, if we are not changed afterwards? Like the Baptist we too are unworthy as we line up not along the River Jordan but in your own homes, where perhaps a mother or grandmother conditionally baptised once a child or grandchild maybe at the kitchen sink; homes where faith is practiced and lived; homes where Holy water is kept – lets take a moment to get that little bottle from under the mantlepiece, from the bedside locker, from the press as together we prepare to renew our baptismal promises …

A Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Dear friends,
through the paschal mystery
we have been buried with Christ in baptism,
so that we may rise with him to a new life.
Now that we have concluded the Christmas Season,
let us renew the promises we made at baptism
when we rejected Satan and his works.And so:Do you reject sin,
so as to live in the freedom of God’s children?We do.Do you reject the glamour of evil,
and refuse to be mastered by sin?We do.Do you reject Satan,
father of sin and prince of darkness?We do.Do you believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth?We do.Do you believe in Jesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord,
who was born of the Virgin Mary,
was crucified, died, and was buried,
rose from the dead,
and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?We do.Do you believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting?We do.God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
has given us a new birth
by water and the Holy Spirit,
and forgiven our sins.
May God also keep us faithful
to our Lord Jesus Christ
for ever and ever.Amen. 

[1] Holland, Kitty, ‘Unbaptised children find there’s no room at the inn’, The Irish Times, 12 December 2013.

[2] Weigel, George: ‘The most important day of your life’, The Catholic World Report, 27 April 2016

[3] Mk. 1:11

[4] From the Liturgy of Baptism